RENASCOR Resources (ASX: RNU) has completed the Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) at its 100pc owned Siviour graphite project in South Australia.
The proposed Siviour mine would be an open pit with an adjacent graphite production plant, which the company said has the potential to be a world-class, low OPEX project.
RENASCOR Resources’ definitive feasibility study for the Siviour graphite project estimates average EBITDA of $49 million during the first stage of operations.
A definitive feasibility study for Renascor Resources’ (ASX: RNU) Siviour graphite project on South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula has confirmed its potential as a world-class, low-cost, long-life operation capable of achieving attractive profit margins in a low graphite price environment.
Published: 7th October 2019 | BY: KARMA BARNDON | AUSTRALIAN MINING MONTHLY RENASCOR Resources managing director David Christensen has updated the market on an optimised development plan for the Siviour graphite mine that will boost planned stage one production by four times. Renascor is knee-deep in a definitive feasibility study of Siviour, a prospective project near the town of Arno Bay on South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula, with work well advanced.
Published: July 25, 2019 by Stockhead | Written by Reuben Adams|
China continues to ramp up natural graphite imports to meet rising domestic demand from its lithium-ion battery sector…………………………………
In June, David Christensen, boss of Australian based Renascor Resources (ASX:RNU), told Stockhead there was a “paradigm shift” happening where there won’t be enough graphite, either synthetic or natural, for the growing lithium-ion battery market.